While he serves as CEO of the Sugar Group Companies, Gunawan Jusuf has the privilege of oversee the operations of a very diverse collection of Indonesia-based independent companies that all grow and refine sugar for many very popular products. In addition to managing the operations of many plantations and refineries located throughout Indonesia, Sugar Group Companies also operates from about a dozen offices located all over the country. This require a lot of skill in getting many disparate parts working together for the benefit of the whole organization.
Even in such a difficult situation Gunawan Jusuf has managed to create enormous growth in many sugar products, especially Gulaku, a very popular refined sugar product that is a household name all over Indonesia, although there are actually many products, many of which are among the most popular in Indonesia. The Sugar Group Companies is not actually a single company. Rather, it is an amalgamation of separate businesses that operate independently, but which also work as part of a larger collective. The companies work in concert, to reach the goals of the overall company. His strong ability to make sure that every employee, subsidiary company and the various offices and plants are all working together, quite possibly marks Gunawan Jusuf’s greatest business accomplishment.